The Donation MLM Plan is also known as Help Plan or Money Order Plan in MLM Business. This is one of the easiest and best Multi-Level Marketing Plans to earn higher profit in a short time. Donation Plans is practiced in many MLM companies around the world. Many people are interested in joining this plan because, the simplicity and the high returns. The Donation MLM Plan is one of the modern MLM Compensation plans in a Network Marketing Business.
Talking about Network Marketing, A Network Marketing business is also known as a Multi-Level Marketing business. This business method makes earning by building a network chain of people and market products and their services. Now, let’s dive into more details about Donation MLM Plan.
The concept of the Donation Plan is based on donating money to someone and receiving it from a different person. This is a give and takes business method, the soul structure of the Donation Plan is Giving, Sharing, Receiving. This plan is a variation of cash donation, and it is entirely independent of MLM business. It works by sending money to a member of the MLM industry and receiving multiple members. Here, a person gets the benefits by Donating to others.
As we discussed, this is not a Multi-Level Marketing concept. The basic idea is to send a gift to one member and receive multiple donations from many other members. So, each member will be benefited from various donation revenues from other members. Members will donate directly to other members without a medium in the middle. This plan will request a charge for the executing expenses and the registration fee.
In this plan, you have to donate any cost and provide proof after making your payment. Once your donation is a success, your amount will grow daily with a percentage decided by the company. Every company has different conditions to receive donations by customizing the option of the plan.
The MLM organization create compensation plan based on their policies. As a popular MLM Plan, Donation MLM Plan offers different customized compensation bonuses within the company policies.
Donation Bonus: When a distributor donates an amount to a scheme, his sponsor will receive a certain percentage of bonus from it. This motivates all sponsors to encourage their distributors.
Matching Bonus: It is the percentage of commission received by the sponsoring distributor hired on your network chain. This is based on the earnings of distributors they’ve sponsored.
Referral Bonus: A referral bonus is a commission received by employees for recruiting candidates to their networks. This is a motivational bonus for sponsors to make distributors very active in their network.
Rank Bonus: This bonus is paid to members when they complete their target and be eligible for promoting them to a higher level or rank. The target will be depending on the company policies, like their performance, sales, recruitments.
The critical feature of this plan is that sending a donation to a client and receiving multiple contributions from many other clients. So, every user will profit with numerous contributions from other clients. Donation MLM Plan is a comprehensive MLM Plan consisting of various features, they are:
• An administration unit is available.
• All transaction details will be stored.
• Managing donations IN and OUT.
• Regulate, One to Many and Many to One request.
• Profile linked with Bank; the facility is available.
• Mobile Verification for every transaction.
• Referral option will be available.
• Availability of the Wallet System.
There are a lot of compensations to using the Donation MLM Plan. Along with these benefits, it also has some disadvantages. The benefits of the Donation MLM Plan overcome its weaknesses. The most common disadvantage of this plan are:
• Have to pay administrative charges and registration fees.
• Some companies request large donations, which will be a problem for beginner-level clients.
• Sometimes receiving your bonus gets delayed for days, weeks, or months.
• The promotion of products under this plan as compared to other methods of network marketing is low.
• Only the one who works hard will receive good results in this plan.
As we said before, the three main ingredients of the donation plan are Giving, Sharing, Receiving. A donation Plan with a low investment will attract more people, and the people are more likely to use the donation services regularly. It is not any confidential procedure of any company leaders gaining profit, instead, it is highly performed by users. With the guarantee of money, most companies prefer donating their money, time, and efforts in this plan.